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Getting Involved

 The merciful lend to their neighbors; by holding out a helping hand they keep the commandments.

-Sirach 29:1


St. Stephens is involved in many charitable endeavors and works with multiple community organizations. We welcome new hands and hearts to join with us


Help us to give back to the community and those in need


At St. Stephens, we believe that we can serve God by serving others. Join us in helping out wonderful community

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Our After School Program

It is not religious based and welcomes all students to 12 fourth grade students who need extra help and support in math and reading at our nearby middle school. We have no curriculum, but base our tutoring on needs of the students individually. The program emphasizes rewards for positive behavior. We also strive to expose each year’s class to community experiences and learning out- side the classroom. Some of those experiences have been visiting local professional offices, role playing Colusa City Council meetings, touring the Colusa County Courthouse, Main Library, and Colusa National Wildlife Refuge. We end each class with an art or craft project to be completed in one or two sessions. These projects contribute to pleasant and positive achievement, while also introducing some principles and appreciation of the arts. Tutors in the after school program are all volunteers from the community as well as our church who are dedicated to helping students to improve their academic standing and to become productive, good citizens as adults.

Resources for the Episcopal Church

The list on this Resource page includes links to websites that are great resources for St. Stephen’s,  the Episcopal Church. and Community

ENS Episcopal News Service

Includes news about the Episcopal church as well as worldwide news

Episcopal Relief & Development

Countries Where Episcopal Relief & Development Works

National Episcopal Church

Official church web site, containing information about Episcopal Church dioceses, provinces and parishes; Episcopal Church activities; news releases and how to find a church.


The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

 The mission of our diocese is to make disciples, raise up saints and transform communities for Christ in Northern California.

Organizations We Support

A Hand Up

Provides meal assistance and support to the homeless in Colusa County

Ministerial Association of Colusa County

Colusa Christmas Food Basket

Episcopal Relief and Development

Episcopal Community Services

Church Divinity School of the Pacific

The School for Deacons

American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

Young Life



The vibrancy of the Anglican Communion reflects the lives of its congregants and their commitment to God’s mission in the world.


PO Box 1044

642 Fifth Street,

Colusa, CA 95932

530 - 458 - 2470


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